From the humble beginnings of the company to becoming the leading lubrication solutions provider for the metalworking industry in the Philippines, Resource One’s commitment to provide lubrication solutions to its customers remains the same. Achieving this is a mix of deploying highly capable and experienced lubrication experts and delivering high quality and reliable products.
Following this direction, Resource One initially partnered with Quaker Chemical Corporation and became its exclusive distributor in the Philippines. In 2019, Quaker merged with Houghton International and became Quaker Houghton.
Quaker Houghton has now established itself as the global leader for industrial process fluids, serving 115 countries around the world and establishing 35 R&D locations. Their product lines for the metalworking industry include the following:
- Can Making Lubricants
- Casting Lubricants
- Cleaners
- Die Casting
- Forging Fluids
- Greases
- Heat Treatment
- Hydraulic Fluids
- Industrial Lubricants
- Metal Removal
- Metal Rolling
- Metal Forming
Resource One Corporation is the authorized distributor of Quaker Houghton products in the Philippines, along with Fluid Solutions, Inc. To know more about the products, specifications, and availability, head over to the Quaker Houghton products page.