A manufacturing company producing marine propellers had coolant quality and tackiness issues contributing to:
- Poor visibility during operation, preventing machine operators to check and intervene when problems occur
- Decreased productivity from frequent tool sharpening and frequent coolant bed cleaning (every 3 months)
- Health hazard to workers caused by skin irritation when handling coolant
Our Solution
Lubrication experts from Resource One recommended the use of Quakercool 7200 HBFF, a water-soluble coolant that is not tacky when used due to its good emulsion stability. The chemistry of the product allows high quality surface finish and prevents machine build-up.
The company no longer experiences coolant stickiness problems and benefited the following:
- Clear visibility during operation – operator can now easily check and intervene if there are problems
- Less downtime since required tool sharpening extended from every 60 machined products to every 100 machined products
- Improved productivity with less frequent coolant bed cleaning from every 3 months to every 6 months
- Improved worker safety since coolant does not cause skin irritation.
Product Information
Quaker Quakercool 7200 HBFF is a Boron-free metalworking water soluble coolant ideally suited for all operations where high surface finish quality and high lubrication is needed. Use for general purpose machining operations on steel, cast iron and aluminum alloys. Product benefits include:
- Excellent wetting and onctuosity abilities giving high cutting performances
- Formaldehyde-free
- Boron-free
- Mild smell
Industry Expertise
Resource One’s extensive experience in machining and grinding lubrication and other industries in metalworking spans more than two decades – ensuring that lubrication issues are thoroughly investigated and properly addressed. Speak with our lubrication experts for consultation on your machine lubrication and maintenance.